08 October 2007

Vienna, Oct. 4-9

ABOVE: Romeo and Juliet reflected in the Staatsoper ceiling, and one of our many home-cooked meals, featuring fresh figs (which are in abundance at Vienna's markets).

Well, sometimes things do not go according to plan. We were supposed to spend only a night in Vienna on the way to India (we had planned to see the city on the way back from India). But we are not in Delhi right now. Apparently, there is this thing called a "visa" that our dumb asses failed to secure. We thought we only needed a permit to see Sikkim, but we were wrong.

So we have been "stuck" in Vienna while waiting for the embassy to clear us. Despite the disruption, it has worked out beautifully. By the good graces of a hostel owner Simona knows from her days in Eastern Europe, we got a sweet apartment right near the center, where we have been cooking up a storm (photo to come).

We must give a shout out to the Nachtmarkt, a huge market in central Vienna full of tantalizing produce, meats, cheeses, and international cuisine. In particular, Pho Saigon bears a congratulatory mention for best Pho this side of the Danube. We were a bit cold and under the weather, and their delicious noodle soup and spicy curry made our sinuses and cold bones happy again.

We spent a romantic evening at the Staatsoper, where we saw an incredible production of Prokofiev´s Romeo and Juliet. We showed up a few hours before curtain and got standing room tickets, which put us directly in front of the stage and close enough to see the dancers´expressions (and, to Simona´s delight, their perfectly shaped derrieres). We are off to the symphony tonight. More soon.

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